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U must be the audience 

I say that because I think U are listening 

That must make me the narrator 


Because U don't hear anyone else talking 

Do U? 


We've met before 

Whether U recognize it or not 

And I've come to know U quite well 


U fixate on your imperfections 

Every time U see your reflection 


I know that somewhere in the back of your mind 

Your body's oder is appealing 

And I think U touched yourself 

Before U got out of bed today 


Have U ever met yourself? 

Have U ever looked in the mirror 

And really understood what's going on in that 

Cheap suitcase of a body? 

Would U like to? 


This is you: 









U are what U are 

Better or worse than everyone else 

Isn't that the human goal? 

To rise above the others? 



Give us the time to change that view 

Let us into your head 

Well see what we can do 


It'll be the perfect trip 

And it's quite medieval 

Come meet new characters 

Scary and evil 


U may begin to feel 


That's okay 


Just let the music be the divide 

Between world's real 

And world's hidden 


Maybe the kid's on acid are the first 1's to see 

What the witch doctors claim to prophecy 

But we've all stepped through a different door 

Of reality 

Oh what's that 
That is the sound of doom 
The 1st evil is approaching the stage 

Good evening children 

Let me make my way to center stage 


Let me introduce myself 

Take the time to say my name 


I am waste 

I'm here to kill U 

Make it into stew 


I am the hard winter 

The acid rains 

Living earth's pain 


And I'll fuck your mother 

And I'll drown U all 

I'll fuck your mother 

And drown U all 


Oh yeah 


Brazilian rains don't weep no more 

Alligators at your door 

Then one day the world will cease breathing 

Then whatcha gonna do? 

A whole lot of freaking 


I am waste 

I'm here to kill U 


What U gonna do? 


Down here at the zoo 

The CO2 

Is too fluffy for U 


So let me ask U this 

Don't cha have enough 

Cows, cars and freezers 


Don't cha have enough 

Cows, cars and freezers 


Cause the evil in me 

I see in U 

The more U burn me 

The more I burn U 

Time is fleeting to carve the path 
To save planet earth from my wrath 
And if this concerns U or brings U worry 
Then I'm the thing that you must rid 
And U, U can take it up 
At the top of the pyramid 

These evils always speak in riddles 

But change will be pointless if the planet is unlivable in 100 years 




Oh boy... 

This one is a real character 

They think they are a different type of person 

A royal breed 






This is the listener 




Oh yes of course 

Go behind that curtain over there next to those mic cables 

Let me talk to them 



Hey you 


This evil is very insecure 

Why don't we make them feel more powerful 

And give them a round of applause 

Ladies and gentlemen 

The Reptile 




I am your leader 

The owner of your freedom 

For a price U can live on this planet 

That once was shared by the masses 


And this is what we'll do 

We'll say that U can vote 

And turn your brains to glue 

With something we all call the news 

(What a blues)


But it's been violence free 

Since a World War 3 

Oops that was a secret for the 



I'm the society U live in 

That keeps the shoeless 



As to why U were paid in cents last week 

While the fat cats 

Sit on top of their towers 


Well how do U like the air? 

Well get used to it 

Cause we're gonna smoke U out 

With factories and nuclear power 

(All aboard the acid hour)


So give an 8th of your wallet 

In return I'll start a war 

Does any of this make sense? 

Cause it does to the 1% 

(All your money spent)


Cause we own the sun 

And everyone 

Including U and your family 

Yes your family 

And all the streets and all the money 

And all your favorite things 


And then here's what we'll do 

We''ll give U benefits 

Like put U in a zoo 

They're called retirement homes 

(Oh dey, oh dey)


Now the symbolism I reveal 

In this message 

That an imbalance in power 

Is and always will be evil 


Cause we own the sun 

And everyone 

Including U and your family 

Yes your family 

And all the streets and all the money 

And all your favorite things 


Cause we own the sun 

And everyone 

Including U and your homies 

Yes your homies 

And all the streets and all the money 

And all your favorite things 


All all the streets and all the money 

And all your favorite things 


We own U 

We own U 

U belong to me 

You’re not free 


U are coming with me 

I'm taking U to my pyramid where U can work for 

Minimum wage 


How does that sound? 

(We don't like it)


Oh but how bout a vote? 

To the listeners at home yes U 

Can U raise your hand if U want to 

Come to my pyramid and work for 

Minimum wage 


O, I see 1 vote 

And I see another 1 over across the world 

I see 3 more New York 

20 votes Missouri 

I see 50 

I see 100,000,000 votes 


You're all coming with me 


For the rest of your life 

U will remain behind these walls until U go insane 

Here's your hammer 

Start hacking away 


Any thought of revolution 

There'll be a price to pay 

This is a song for the future 

This is a song for the future 

This is a song for the future 


I wonder who this could be? 

A time traveler in rags 

Holding a hammer 

Just like U 


Dear creature 

Who are U? 

I am the human race 

Including all of U sitting 

The truth is there is only 1 of me 


Cause race isn't real 

There is only 1 human family 

Who took it upon yourselves to label 

And divide and pass it down through centuries 

When in reality 

U are all too special 


And unique to be labeled 

By the color of your skin or flag 


U are all humans 

And I love U 


Now man made constructs aren't true 

Cause if the world does not agree 

It means it's in your head 


Races in your head 

Races in your head 

Races in your head 



People are hurt 

More people divide 


Races in your head 

Until the people subdue 

To an ancient ideology 

That was made to leverage power 


But if we all come together 

Come together in unity 

I guarantee well all be accepted 

Into a larger community 


They've known about us 

For a very very long time 

And they want to involve us 

In their intergalactic peace treaty 


(Sebben, crudele)

(Sebben, crudele)

(Mi fai languir)


Curse this intelligent life up above 

In the stars 

But they don't want 

To meet us 

Till we defeated our egos 


Now don't get me wrong 

Cause U might be 

Ego free 


But your so called race 

Plays part in someone 

Else's superiority 

U seem confused 

U don't get it? 

Every human on earth has descended from the same fish 

That crawled out of the ocean millions of years ago 

This is the human family 

No, not culture or ethnicity 

That's just geography 

Race will only exist 

When people are being hurt and divided for it 


We are all unique 

We are different from our ancestors 

And we’re different from each other 

And that’s a good thing 


Just look 

See how beautiful they are 

How free 

No food or drinks on the organ 

(Thank you piano)

No food or drinks on the organ 

(Thank you piano)

Please help us maintain these instruments with 

No food or drinks on the organ 

(Thank you piano)


Deeper into the pyramid we go 


There was a 








They were a family 

That lived amongst the trees 

And the flowers and the bees 

And their cabinets 


The farmer grew apples of 

Golden grapes of lilac 

Served all plates 

And buckets of cognac 


The miner found them 

Jewels, diamonds and 


Built the cabinets they resided in 

Amongst the trees 

And the flowers and the bees 

And their towers 


The shaman blew minds with potions 

Healed wounds and hearts broken 

Studied all theories and history 

Made medicine for the foreign war 


Wanting nothing in return 

They helped the world learn 


The creator gave them joy 

By making good deeds and mystery 

Songs so hauntingly 


The romantic loved them all 

Themselves and the world around them 


Upon the mess was trickling in 

The root of all evil 

Came to put a spin on this hymn 

Devined betrayal 


It got into the farmer's head 

To put food in boxes 

And stores and shelves 


For dollars and expenses 

And grew the wheat so strangely high 

The top is not seen by the ground bound eye 


Grew so tall 

The scarecrow couldn't guard it 


Aviation ate it all 

Before the harvest 


The miner dug it's nose right 

To the farmer 

Greed made the decision to 

Tell him what the earth is worth 


And they sold rocks 

Shines through them clear 

The cost of the rocks were just 


The root of all evil 

Appeared in the air 


Next was seen 

In a psychedelic scene 

The visions held by the shaman 


And all what was fair 

And from whom to care 

And even them to take from their trust 


The vision told a charged medicine 

For the old, the young and the crazy 

To give to the other 4 based on 

Values that were unfair 


And in the eyes of the universe 

Were untrue 


The root of all evil's hypnotics made 

The creator's are bland and romantic 


The paintings became ads 

And the songs turned bad 

And they were all sold for profit 


The romantic found shade for themselves 

And others in barns 

Serials redefined their features 


This tale is U 

We're living in currently 

It's been in front of our eyes 

Since the dawn of humanity 


The root of all evil 

Is in your pocket 

Quite a tale isn’t it 

It’s amazing what a little cash flow can do to a person’s life 

But what’s something more powerful than money? 


Oh sure 


How about God? 

God is older 

But what is God? 


A humble entrance for a grand old delusion 

I am the thing 

In your life U cannot control 

U can call me God 

Good evening 


Death ends for me 

And time moves for me 

And space is ever expanding 

For me to live 

Oh so comfortably 


In the early days of humanity 

People afraid of my fatality 

So they created religions in spite of me 


Cause every living thing 

Knows I'll take their life 

At the end of the day 


As the years went by 

The confidence grew 

That there is a heaven 

Or a Moksha 

Or Allah 


Now I deem God 

Know the truth 

That it's all a spoof 

And power is the root 


And wars are fought 

The defied my people 

Even though no matter what 


My morals 

Were made the same 


And U treat people 

Differently cause of stories passed down 

When U can praise me 



I am the things U cannot control 

U can call me God 









God really is the collected minds of the people 

Religions are just how we translate and personify 

The forces of nature we wish to control 

Wouldn’t U agree? 



On with the show 


Can U tell me what I have in my hand? 

Oh, silly me U can't see me 

Well, it's a globe 

U know what that is 


Are all the lines on this globe predetermined? 

Where U can and cannot explore 

Who decided this? 


Well, let's all huddle in 

Make ourselves cozy 

Let me tell U 

About the 1st man and woman 

They made lines 

To separate the people 

They made race 

To section the people 

They made the countries 

And the cities and the states 


And they made laws 

And arrested my people 

They made war 

And murdered my people 


People of the world 

Set yourself free 


So the people wanted comfort 

So they burnt down the trees 

And they wanted to get high 

So they payed the pharmacies 

They wanted to feel full 

So they hunted the elephants 

And they wanted to feel power 

So they made the dollar bill 


They wanted to go fast 

So they kicked out the Indians 


Share your earth 

Before lines become walls 

Share the mountains 

Share the valleys 

Share the rivers that flow 


Share your earth 

Before it's too late 

Share the mountains 

Share the valleys 

Share the rivers that flow 


So the people were afraid 

And we gave them guns 

And the people were bored 

So we gave them TV 

And the people wanted more 

So we gave them satellites 

And the people wanted more 

So we gave them skyscrapers 


People of the world 

Please set yourself free 


Cause now the lines we created 

Have turned into walls 

And the war we created 

Turned into destruction 


And the race we created 

Turned into greed 

And the laws we created 

Turned into bricks 


And the skyscrapers we built 

Came a crumbling down 

And the people I love 

Turned into robots 

And the people I love 

Turned into robots 


Share your earth 

Before lines become walls 

Share the mountains 

Share the valleys 

Share the rivers that flow 


Share your earth 

Before it's too late 

Share the mountains 

Share the valleys 

Share the rivers that flow 

The lines we created are turning into walls 

Just look out your window, walls stacked up tall 

The Earth belongs to everyone, and none of us alike 

We can’t divide, and let our pride keep us fighting the wrong fight 

These ancient constructs we don’t have to abide by 

Keeping our people in and those people, left to die 

Because we are a future people who can think for ourselves 

Not follow Columbus or Attila the Hun's fun 


That reminds me 

We're on to number 7 

The oldest and the darkest 

A character right out of the early ages 

As soon as living things come into the picture 

This evil was standing there, holding a mirror 













And rape 

Is evil 


And I am not evil 

And U could never be 



But let me tell U 

What it's like 

To be evil 


The taking of a life for love 

Is so normal for me 

It's as daily as brushing teeth 

Or fixing tea 


I'm incapable of changing 

My mind 

My way of thinking 

Is set in time 



And rape 

Is evil 

To U 


Cause to me it is 

A right of way 

Turning U 

Into monsters 


So go out 

And kill a lady 

And rape a man 

Because it only makes me 



The taking of a life for love 

Is so normal for me 

It's as daily as brushing teeth 

Or fixing tea 


I'm incapable of changing 

My mind 

My way of thinking 

Is set in time 


Well it comes so naturally 

A surge of inspiration 

To commit those bodies to 

A permanent scar 


I'm as natural as the dancing lily 

Or the pollenated bee 


Rape and murder are in my blood 

Just like hate and jealousy 

Are in U 

Are in U 
Are in U 
Are in U 

U hear that? 
The air in your lungs that we all share 
The same air breathed by the mothers of your fathers 
Do U hear how it writes a song? 

The song sung for centuries 
Telling of our good and evil 
The song sung for every breath of every day 
Until U breathe no more 

The aware 1's are catching on 
But for those who aren't 
We have another song 
But this 1
Is by U

I'm U 

I'm U 

I'm all the things U do 


Cause money is what we use 

To play the game 

How much U have 

And how much U save 

Decides what class you're in 

At the end of the day 


Culture's what sets the bar 

Ya make your own 

And U will go far 


Just close your eyes 

And you'll see what I mean 


Because there's a world 

In your mind 

It goes infinitely in and out 

Go home you'll see 

What I'm talking about 


(It's the narrator)


I'm U

(Listen up to the narrator)

Natural, beautiful and rude 


My beliefs 

They must be right 

I wouldn't believe them if they weren't 



And my family could never be 

Your family 

Cause we could never 

Live as 1 human family 


The 7 evils are part of the plan 

You practice them daily 

That makes U the man 

Why not hop on the other side of the fence 

Of your mind 


Because there's lots to unwind 

There's a many of wires to cut 


But what your parents 

Told U is a must 

And what your teachers say 

Is the root of happiness 

(All happiness)


And U would never 

Bite the hand that feeds U 

O a last 

U were feeding yourself the whole time 




This world was made for U 


To roam the plains as U need 

Not for owners to shackle your feet 

Take all your time and money 

And set yourself free 

(Going up, up, up)


I'm U 



Stupendously crude 

(You're crude)


Better off nude 

(I think that means naked)


Always in the mood 



But just didn't seem to get it right 

So U are the 8th evil 

It’s not your fault 

You’ve been born without consent into the deep end of 

Modern man made constructs 


Did U agree to these systems? 

Did U agree on who owns what land or what 

Gender, race, and culture U must abide by? 

Did U agree on money being equal in importance 

To food and water? 


Did U agree to this? 


Do U everyday continue to practice these systems? 

Well that’s for U to decide 


People set in their ways by age or subjective intelligence 

May find it harder to rethink and relive 

Your cynicism may be what prevents the magic 

For those who want to go deeper 

We only ask one thing of U 


U must remember a time before U knew who U were 

U must remember a time before U knew who U were 


A time before your parents, teachers, friends and more 

Influenced your morals and standards 

Forget all the rules of the game we constantly compete in 

But refuse to acknowledge 

If we all come together 
Come together in unity 
I guarantee we’ll all be accepted 
Into a larger community 


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